Editing Список расширений/0050—0099

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{{XepListItem|0050|Ad-Hoc Commands|This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for advertising and executing application-specific commands, such as those related to a configuration workflow. Typically the commands contain data forms (XEP-0004) in order to structure the information exchange.|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
{{XepListItem|0051|Connection Transfer|This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables a server to redirect connections from one connection manager or server node to another.|||Standards_Track|Deferred}}
| {{xep|0050}} || Ad-Hoc Commands<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
{{XepListItem|0052|File Transfer|A protocol for transferring a file between two Jabber IDs.|||Standards_Track|Retracted}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Experimental'
{{XepListItem|0053|XMPP Registrar Function|This document defines the roles and processes of the XMPP Registrar function within the XMPP Standards Foundation.|||Procedural|Active}}
| {{xep|0051}} || Connection Transfer<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Экспериментальное]]
{{XepListItem|0054|vcard-temp|This specification provides canonical documentation of the vCard-XML format currently in use within the Jabber community.|||Historical|Active}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Retracted'
{{XepListItem|0055|Jabber Search|This specification provides canonical documentation of the jabber:iq:search namespace currently in use within the Jabber community.|||Historical|Active}}
| {{xep|0052}} || File Transfer<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отозванное]]
{{XepListItem|0056|Business Data Interchange|This document defines a way to transmit ebXML messages, ANSI X.11, EDIFACT/UN, and SAP iDoc over Jabber/XMPP.|||Standards_Track|Deferred}}
|- class='type_Procedural status_Active'
{{XepListItem|0057|Extended Roster|This document defines a way to handle extended roster items.|||Standards_Track|Retracted}}
| {{xep|0053}} || XMPP Registrar Function<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Процедурное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Действующее]]
{{XepListItem|0058|Multi-User Text Editing|This document defines how several people may simultaneously edit text.|||Standards_Track|Deferred}}
|- class='type_Historical status_Active'
{{XepListItem|0059|Result Set Management|This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables an entity to page through and otherwise manage the receipt of large result sets. The protocol can be used in the context of any XMPP protocol that might send large result sets (such as service discovery, multi-user chat, and publish-subscribe). While the requesting entity in such an interaction can explicitly request the use of result set management, an indication that result set management is in use can also be proactively included by the responding entity when returning a limited result set in response to a query.|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
| {{xep|0054}} || vcard-temp<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Историческое]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Действующее]]
{{XepListItem|0060|Publish-Subscribe|This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for generic publish-subscribe functionality. The protocol enables XMPP entities to create nodes (topics) at a pubsub service and publish information at those nodes; an event notification (with or without payload) is then broadcasted to all entities that have subscribed to the node. Pubsub therefore adheres to the classic Observer design pattern and can serve as the foundation for a wide variety of applications, including news feeds, content syndication, rich presence, geolocation, workflow systems, network management systems, and any other application that requires event notifications.|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
|- class='type_Historical status_Active'
{{XepListItem|0061|Shared Notes|A simplistic mechanism for shared notes, modeled after common stickie note applications.|||Informational|Deferred}}
| {{xep|0055}} || Jabber Search<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Историческое]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Действующее]]
{{XepListItem|0062|Packet Filtering|A framework for packet filtering rules.|||Informational|Deferred}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Deferred'
{{XepListItem|0063|Basic Filtering Operations|A module that provides basic conditions and actions for packet filtering.|||Informational|Deferred}}
| {{xep|0056}} || Business Data Interchange<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]
{{XepListItem|0064|XPath Filtering|A module that provides an XPath matching condition for packet filtering.|||Informational|Deferred}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Retracted'
{{XepListItem|0065|SOCKS5 Bytestreams|This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for establishing an out-of-band bytestream between any two XMPP users, mainly for the purpose of file transfer. The bytestream can be either direct (peer-to-peer) or mediated (though a special-purpose proxy server). The typical transport protocol used is TCP, although UDP can optionally be supported as well.|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
| {{xep|0057}} || Extended Roster<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отозванное]]
{{XepListItem|0066|Out of Band Data|This specification defines two XMPP protocol extensions for communicating URIs, one for use in XMPP message stanzas and the other for use in a structured request-response interaction via XMPP IQ stanzas. Among other things, this enables one entity to inform another entity about a file that is available at an HTTP URL.|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Deferred'
{{XepListItem|0067|Stock Data Transmission|This document specifies a data format for stock data distribution in the Jabber community.|||Standards_Track|Deferred}}
| {{xep|0058}} || Multi-User Text Editing<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]
{{XepListItem|0068|Field Standardization for Data Forms|This document specifies how to standardize field variables used in the context of jabber:x:data forms.|||Informational|Active}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
{{XepListItem|0069|Compliance SIG|A proposal to form a SIG devoted to issues related to protocol compliance.|||SIG_Formation|Deferred}}
| {{xep|0059}} || Result Set Management<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
{{XepListItem|0070|Verifying HTTP Requests via XMPP|This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables verification of an HTTP request via XMPP.|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
{{XepListItem|0071|XHTML-IM|This specification defines an XHTML 1.0 Integration Set for use in exchanging instant messages that contain lightweight text markup. The protocol enables an XMPP entity to format a message using a small range of commonly-used HTML elements, attributes, and style properties that are suitable for use in instant messaging. The protocol also excludes HTML constructs that may introduce malware and other vulnerabilities (such as scripts and objects) for improved security.|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
| {{xep|0060}} || Publish-Subscribe<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
{{XepListItem|0072|SOAP Over XMPP|This specification defines methods for transporting SOAP messages over XMPP. Although the protocol supports only the request-response message exchange pattern, the protocol is formally defined as a SOAP Protocol Binding in accordance with version 1.2 of the W3C SOAP specification. In addition, a WSDL definition is defined for the purpose of advertising the availability of this protocol binding.|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
|- class='type_Informational status_Deferred'
{{XepListItem|0073|Basic IM Protocol Suite|This document defines a recommended suite of Jabber/XMPP protocols to be supported by basic instant messaging and presence applications. Note: This protocol suite has been obsoleted by XEP-0211 and XEP-0212.|||Standards_Track|Obsolete}}
| {{xep|0061}} || Shared Notes<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Информационное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]
{{XepListItem|0074|Simple Access Control|A simple protocol for querying information for permissions.|||Standards_Track|Retracted}}
|- class='type_Informational status_Deferred'
{{XepListItem|0075|Jabber Object Access Protocol (JOAP)|The Jabber Object Access Protocol, or JOAP, defines a mechanism for creating Jabber-accessible object servers, and manipulating objects provided by those servers. It is intended for development of business applications with Jabber.|||Standards_Track|Deferred}}
| {{xep|0062}} || Packet Filtering<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Информационное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]
{{XepListItem|0076|Malicious Stanzas|This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for flagging malicious stanzas.|||Humorous|Active}}
|- class='type_Informational status_Deferred'
{{XepListItem|0077|In-Band Registration|This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for in-band registration with XMPP-based instant messaging servers and other services hosted on an XMPP network (such as groupchat rooms and gateways to non-XMPP IM services). The protocol is extensible via use of data forms, thus enabling services to gather a wide range of information during the registration process. The protocol also supports in-band password changes and cancellation of an existing registration.|||Standards_Track|Final}}
| {{xep|0063}} || Basic Filtering Operations<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Информационное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]
{{XepListItem|0078|Non-SASL Authentication|This document specifies a protocol for authentication with Jabber servers and services using the jabber:iq:auth namespace. Note Well: The protocol specified herein has been superseded in favor of SASL authentication as specified in RFC 3920, and is now obsolete.|||Standards_Track|Obsolete}}
|- class='type_Informational status_Deferred'
{{XepListItem|0079|Advanced Message Processing|This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables entities to request, and servers to perform, advanced processing of XMPP message stanzas, including reliable data transport, time-sensitive delivery, and expiration of transient messages.|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
| {{xep|0064}} || XPath Filtering<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Информационное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]
{{XepListItem|0080|User Location|This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating information about the current geographical or physical location of an entity.|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
{{XepListItem|0081|Jabber MIME Type|This document specifies a MIME type for launching a Jabber client as a helper application from most modern web browsers, and for completing basic use cases once the client is launched.|||Standards_Track|Retracted}}
| {{xep|0065}} || SOCKS5 Bytestreams<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
{{XepListItem|0082|XMPP Date and Time Profiles|This document specifies a standardization of ISO 8601 profiles and their lexical representation for use in XMPP protocol extensions.|||Informational|Active}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
{{XepListItem|0083|Nested Roster Groups|This document defines an XMPP protocol extension that enables nested sub-groups to exist within the Jabber roster, while retaining backwards compatibility and ensuring that the roster remains usable by all clients.|||Informational|Active}}
| {{xep|0066}} || Out of Band Data<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
{{XepListItem|0084|User Avatar|This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for exchanging user avatars, which are small images or icons associated with human users. The protocol specifies payload formats for both avatar metadata and the image data itself. The payload formats are typically transported using the personal eventing profile of XMPP publish-subscribe as specified in XEP-0163.|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Deferred'
{{XepListItem|0085|Chat State Notifications|This document defines an XMPP protocol extension for communicating the status of a user in a chat session, thus indicating whether a chat partner is actively engaged in the chat, composing a message, temporarily paused, inactive, or gone. The protocol can be used in the context of a one-to-one chat session or a multi-user chat room.|||Standards_Track|Final}}
| {{xep|0067}} || Stock Data Transmission<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]
{{XepListItem|0086|Error Condition Mappings|A mapping to enable legacy entities to correctly handle errors from XMPP-aware entities.|||Informational|Deprecated}}
|- class='type_Informational status_Active'
{{XepListItem|0087|Stream Initiation|A common method to initiate a stream with meta information|||Standards_Track|Retracted}}
| {{xep|0068}} || Field Standardization for Data Forms<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Информационное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Действующее]]
{{XepListItem|0088|Client Webtabs|A protocol for displaying web-based tabs in clients.|||Informational|Deferred}}
|- class='type_JIG_Formation status_Deferred'
{{XepListItem|0089|Generic Alerts|A protocol for generic alerts (similar to .NET Alerts service).|||Standards_Track|Deferred}}
| {{xep|0069}} || Compliance JIG<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Формирование JIG]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]
{{XepListItem|0090|Legacy Entity Time|This specification provides historical documentation of the legacy jabber:iq:time namespace, which has been deprecated in favor the urn:xmpp:time namespace defined in XEP-0202.|||Historical|Obsolete}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
{{XepListItem|0091|Legacy Delayed Delivery|This specification provides historical documentation of the legacy jabber:x:delay namespace, which has been deprecated in favor the urn:xmpp:delay namespace defined in XEP-0203.|||Historical|Obsolete}}
| {{xep|0070}} || Verifying HTTP Requests via XMPP<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
{{XepListItem|0092|Software Version|This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for retrieving information about the software application associated with an XMPP entity. The protocol enables one entity to explicitly query another entity, where the response can include the name of the software application, the version of the software application, and the operating system on which the application is running.|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
{{XepListItem|0093|Roster Item Exchange|This specification provides canonical documentation of the jabber:x:roster namespace historically used within the Jabber community. NOTE WELL: This specification has been superseded by XEP-0144.|||Historical|Deprecated}}
| {{xep|0071}} || XHTML-IM<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
{{XepListItem|0094|Agent Information|This specification provides canonical documentation of the obsolete Agent Information namespace. Note: This document has been superseded by XEP-0030: Service Discovery.|||Historical|Obsolete}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
{{XepListItem|0095|Stream Initiation|This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for initiating a data stream between any two XMPP entities. The protocol includes the ability to include metadata about the stream and provides a pluggable framework so that various profiles of stream initiation can be defined for particular use cases (such as file transfer).|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
| {{xep|0072}} || SOAP Over XMPP<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
{{XepListItem|0096|SI File Transfer|This specification defines a profile of the XMPP stream initiation extension for transferring files between two entities. The protocol provides a modular framework that enables the exchange of information about the file to be transferred as well as the negotiation of parameters such as the transport to be used.|||Standards_Track|Draft}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Obsolete'
{{XepListItem|0097|iCal Envelope|A simple mechanism to transport iCal data over the jabber protocol|||Standards_Track|Deferred}}
| {{xep|0073}} || Basic IM Protocol Suite<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Устаревшее]]
{{XepListItem|0098|Enhanced Private XML Storage|Standardizes "private" XML data storage.|||Standards_Track|Deferred}}
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Retracted'
{{XepListItem|0099|IQ Query Action Protocol|Standardizes behavior of  actions for generic query behavior.|||Standards_Track|Deferred}}
| {{xep|0074}} || Simple Access Control<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отозванное]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Deferred'
| {{xep|0075}} || Jabber Object Access Protocol<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]
|- class='type_Humorous status_Active'
| {{xep|0076}} || Malicious Stanzas<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Шуточное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Действующее]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Final'
| {{xep|0077}} || In-Band Registration<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Окончательное]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Obsolete'
| {{xep|0078}} || Non-SASL Authentication<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Устаревшее]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
| {{xep|0079}} || Advanced Message Processing<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
| {{xep|0080}} || User Location<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Retracted'
| {{xep|0081}} || Jabber MIME Type<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отозванное]]
|- class='type_Informational status_Active'
| {{xep|0082}} || XMPP Date and Time Profiles<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Информационное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Действующее]]
|- class='type_Informational status_Active'
| {{xep|0083}} || Nested Roster Groups<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Информационное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Действующее]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
| {{xep|0084}} || User Avatar<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Final'
| {{xep|0085}} || Chat State Notifications<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Окончательное]]
|- class='type_Informational status_Deprecated'
| {{xep|0086}} || Error Condition Mappings<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Информационное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отменённое]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Retracted'
| {{xep|0087}} || Stream Initiation<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отозванное]]
|- class='type_Informational status_Deferred'
| {{xep|0088}} || Client Webtabs<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Информационное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Deferred'
| {{xep|0089}} || Generic Alerts<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]
|- class='type_Historical status_Obsolete'
| {{xep|0090}} || Legacy Entity Time<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Историческое]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Устаревшее]]
|- class='type_Historical status_Obsolete'
| {{xep|0091}} || Legacy Delayed Delivery<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Историческое]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Устаревшее]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
| {{xep|0092}} || Software Version<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
|- class='type_Historical status_Deprecated'
| {{xep|0093}} || Roster Item Exchange<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Историческое]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отменённое]]
|- class='type_Historical status_Obsolete'
| {{xep|0094}} || Agent Information<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Историческое]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Устаревшее]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
| {{xep|0095}} || Stream Initiation<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Draft'
| {{xep|0096}} || File Transfer<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Черновик]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Deferred'
| {{xep|0097}} || iCal Envelope<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Deferred'
| {{xep|0098}} || Enhanced Private XML Storage<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]
|- class='type_Standards_Track status_Deferred'
| {{xep|0099}} || IQ Query Action Protocol<hr/> || [[XEP#Типы|Основное]] || [[XEP#Статусы|Отложенное]]

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